Your Vibe Attracts Your Tribe


Your Vibe Attracts Your Tribe

Seems like a simple idea right? Your attitude attracts the people you want to surround yourself with. Unfortunately, it is pretty difficult to stick with this mantra. It is a lot easier to change yourself to be like the people you think you want to be with. We do this so easily we might not even realize we are doing it. But, if you feel like you have to act a certain way, stop yourself from doing certain things, in front of the people you surround yourself…let me tell you, this is not your “tribe.” I think everyone experiences this, at least once in their life, feeling like you have to fit into a certain stereotype. Whether that time is in high school, or college, or before or after, it sometimes can be hard to feel like yourself.

I always heard the saying growing up; be yourself and you will attract the right people. But let’s be honest, that’s usually not how it works, especially in high school. You get thrown into a group and it’s hard to be yourself for fear of being judged in such a “crucial” period of your life, and where your reputation seems to be everything. As you grow up, you start to realize, most of the time, no one was really thinking about you and what you were doing, they were really just thinking about themselves.

College is usually the time that we let ourselves explore who we really are, and let the parts of ourselves free, the parts that we might have been holding back. I like to refer to them as the selfish years. Because college and your twenties are YOUR years. They are the years to put yourself first, and to finally realize what exactly that means. They are the years to do things for you and only you. They are the years to travel, explore, and love without limits. They are YOURS and only yours.

Sometimes, that means removing toxic people from your life. This was something I truly did not understand how to do until I was almost twenty-one. In my mind it was simpler to be nice to everyone and keep people in your life even if it was detrimental to your own self. I would rather keep someone in my life, than hurt someone by putting myself first. It was not until I finally put my frickin foot down and cut the damn cord. Yes, it was not the easiest thing to do at ALL. But I truly have never been happier, or felt more free to DO me, in my whole life (knock on wood). Seriously though, you do not realize the effect that negative people can have on your daily life, mood, and activities; until you remove them from your life. Because let me tell you, happiness does not start with other people’s happiness, or a degree, or a relationship, or money, or a job, it starts with you, YES YOU, and your thoughts and what you choose to do with them.

Kennedy Roberts