Less Is More


Less is More

My last blog post was almost complete, when unfortunately, I had a stroke of bad luck while traveling in California. My family and I made our way to San Francisco from the Napa Valley, and we stopped to have a quick lunch before checking into our Airbnb. My mom went to add more money to the meter when she abruptly noticed our rental car window had been shattered and all of our backpacks were gone. She shakily called my Dad to inform us. Our positive attitudes quickly faded. I ran to the car to see what was stolen and confirmed my worries that my backpack was indeed taken. At first, I was just in shock and felt nothing but anger. I wanted to scream and punch something and all I could think about was how I hate people. I hate how people are capable of doing bad things, I hate it all. I repeatedly checked the back seat just to reconfirm each time that my backpack was gone.

Finally, it hit me, as tears started to roll down my face, remembering that the book I’ve been writing for over two years was on my laptop, that was in my backpack. Along with many other belongings of mine, but none of those things mattered. Because, coincidently, I was in the process of writing a blog post about material things, and the unfulfilling value within them. How fitting right? Well I guess this experience only enhanced my beliefs.

The past couple of months, I have started to understand the importance of memories over material things, especially being abroad and experiencing so many adventures.

I have recently been starting to say; I wish I could have just enough things to pack up in a duffle or two and be able to go wherever, whenever. Be careful what you wish for, I guess! But, let me tell you, material things; jewelry, clothes, electronics, etc., these things will not fill a void you might have. They will not complete you or add to you in anyway besides momentary pleasure. And if you are waiting for a certain shoe, or a certain dress, or a certain phone to fill this void of yours, let me save you the suspense, it will not fill you. It just won’t.

Seeing the Sydney Opera House? Walking across the Golden Gate Bridge? Smelling the fresh sourdough bread coming out of the oven? Laughing about a ridiculous night out with friends while shoving bagels in your face? That feeling you get in your stomach, all the way down to your toes and then back up to fill your head, as you hold hands and smile with someone who you love inside and out? Those things no one can take from you, and no one can take them from me. Those things I can’t insure, or put a price on, or sell, or advertise, because they make me who I am. They fill my soul with gratitude and happiness, that outweigh any bag, or wallet, or dress, or boots, I have ever owned.

Whatever things those people took, it doesn’t matter. They don’t define me or my happiness and thank GOD for that. Thank God, that my family and I are all safe. Thank God, that I had an amazing trip to California with my family and created more memories to treasure forever. Thank God, that things are just things, and thank God, I have gotten to the point in my life to truly understand that. Memories > Materials. Every. Damn. Time.

Kennedy Roberts